"You do expect a print to be something bi-dimensional. Indeed, by selecting the right paper, the possibilities are endless and it's like opening a gate on a never-ending journey. Canson® has always the key to infinity, and this is why I choose Canson® as my preferred companion on the way from digital to stunning prints that you see, experience and feel a strong longing to be part of. Perfection isn't utopia any longer." 

Born in Southern Italy, Fortunato Gatto moved to Milan as a child, where lived until 2007, when he took a leap of faith and relocated to Scotland to follow his ever growing passion for wild landscapes and unspoilt nature. The stunning surroundings, his fearless approach to the rugged weather conditions and elements, and his persistence in willing to learn and improve helped him become an advocate of the beauty of nature.
"The essential value above everything. An infinite universe within which our sensorial well-being is confined. Nature is the highest work of art, and such is my aim in representing it. Through metaphors, I look for hidden images, to tell its secrets and with them, I tell part of myself".
To date, Fortunato has portrayed Scotland and many other wild territories, in his own unique way, gaining worldwide awards and recognitions, publications and media space. He holds workshops, photo tours, talks and exhibitions whereby, along with covering photography as a subject, he shares is love and utmost respect for nature, sustainability and environmental insights - to the extent of giving voice and a face to Nature, the real protagonist of his work of art.
"A photograph doesn't represent reality, but a vision of it. Landscape photography is a subjective representation of the symbiosis that originates in between a sensitive being and nature. possibilities will be endless and it will be like opening a gate on a never-ending journey. Canson® always has the key to infinity. Perfection isn’t utopia anymore”.

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