Canson -
RCS CANSON SAS : 335 620 241
IDU : FR209518_01QLHF / FR218298_07UNUT
N°67 rue Louis et Laurent Seguin - CS 70139 - 07104 Annonay Cedex - France
Phone : 04 75 69 88 00
Responsable de la publication : Claire JACQUIN
Hosting : Alter Way - 1 Rue Royale, Bat D, 227 Bureaux de la Colline, 92210 Saint-Cloud - 01 41 16 34 95

Term of Use

The access to the website and the exploitation of its content are subject to the following conditions of use. Visiting the website implies that the user accepts, with no restrictions, these conditions of use.

The website is edited by Canson SAS. Canson SAS strives to provide accurate and updated information on this website. Canson SAS has the right to change the content at any time and without prior notice. However, Canson SAS does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information available on this website.

For these reasons, Canson SAS is not liable for :

  • inaccuracies or incompleteness that may affect the information available on the website
  • damages resulting from an intrusion by a third party causing an alteration of the information displayed on the website
  • more generally, damages, direct or indirect, whatever the nature, the causes and the consequences resulting from the navigation on the website or the incapacity to access the website, as well as those resulting from the use of the information available

Intellectual Property Rights

As originating or under specific agreements, documents, brands, drawing and designs published or referred to on this website, as well as those created for the website and constituting it, are the exclusive property of Canson SAS.

Canson SAS does not grand any license or other rights to use, operate, publish these documents, drawings, designs and brands. Reproduction of all or part of the material on this site is authorized only to provide information for private and domestic use, any other use strictly prohibited.

Any user sending a photograph or other document, whatever the format and whatever the media used, in order to be displayed on the website, guarantees that they are the exclusive owner or creator and that these documents do not affect, directly or indirectly, third parties’ rights. The user guarantees to the Canson SAS, without any restrictions, against appeal or any claim by third parties who claim any rights holders on the displayed documents.

Any distribution of documents for publication or broadcast on the website is considered as non exclusive, free of charge, cession to Canson SAS, for the period of validity of copyright and for all countries of patrimonial copyrights. This cession, actively granted by the owner, includes reproduction, representation and adaptation rights in any way, in any form, through any process and on whaterver media, present or future.


The website may include links to other websites or other internet sources not controlled by Canson SAS. Therefore, Canson SAS can not be held liable for the availability of such external websites or resources and will not engage any liability for the content, advertising, products or services presented nor generally with regards to any material available on or from such such sites or resources. Moreover, Canson SAS cannot be made liable if any loss or damages resulting from or related to the use of the content, goods or services available on such external websites or sources, or the credit given to them.






The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to describe the management of this website as regards the processing of the personal data of its users/visitors.

This is an informative notice provided, pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 2016/679, to those connecting to the corporate website of Canson SAS at the address

This notice is provided exclusively in relation to the aforementioned website, but not in relation to other third-party sites that may be visited by the user via links.

Canson SAS guarantees compliance with national and international regulations regarding the protection of personal data (EU Regulation 2016/679, Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003, etc.).

Users/visitors should read this Privacy Policy carefully before submitting any personal information and/or completing any electronic form on the website.

Purposes of the processing of personal data

Listed below are the purposes of the processing of personal data, i.e. information conferred directly by users through the completion of online forms, through the use of social networks or acquired automatically during navigation.

Additional specific informative notices may be provided and published from time to time on the website in relation to individual operations involving the provision of specific personal data (e.g. in the case of special events, competitions, etc.)

The purposes of the processing of personal data are to:

  1. Improve and customize the user experience of the website.
  2. Allow registration on the website in order to access specific sections of the website and to provide and manage the various services offered.
  3. Allow users to publish their own content directly on the website or on websites managed independently by third parties with which Canson SAS has completed agreements to this effect, such as, by way of example but not limited to, social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “Social Networks”).
  4. With prior consent, carry out marketing activities such as the sending of promotional and advertising material in relation to the Canson SAS group, also by email, mms and text message;
  5. Respond to user requests in relation to the products and services of Canson SAS.


Type and source of data processed

1) Browsing data

In principle, it is possible to browse the website without having to provide any personal data. The website is divided into separate sections, some of which may require data entry and others of which may not.

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, as part of their normal operation, some personal information that is implicitly transmitted in the use of internet communication protocols.

This information, by its nature, may, through association and the processing of data held by third parties, allow users/visitors to be identified (e.g. via their IP address, computer domain names used to connect to the website, etc.).

This data is mainly used to elaborate statistical information, to check the correct functioning of the website and to make browsing more efficient.

Such web contact data is not retained after processing, except as required for the investigation of any computer crimes against the website.

No data deriving from the web service will be communicated or disseminated to unauthorized third parties.

For further information specifically in relation to cookies, please refer to the dedicated section.


2) Data provided voluntarily by users/visitors

When users/visitors, connecting to this website, send personal information in order to access certain services (e.g. newsletters, competition subscriptions) or to make requests via email, this action entails acquisition by Canson SAS of the sender’s address and/or other personal data. This data shall then be processed exclusively in order to respond to the particular request or to provide the service.

Personal data provided by users/visitors shall only be communicated to third parties if communication is necessary in order to comply with the requests of the users/visitors themselves. 


Processing methods

The processing of personal data is performed using automated tools (e.g. using electronic procedures and storage media) and/or manually (e.g. on paper) for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data was collected and, in any case, in compliance with applicable regulations in force. In relation to such processing, Canson SAS has taken opportune security measures to ensure data integrity and confidentiality.


Data Controller

The Data Controller is Canson SAS with registered office at N°67 rue Louis et Laurent Seguin - CS 70139 - 07104 Annonay Cedex – France.


Categories of parties to whom data may be communicated or brought to the attention of 

Personal data may be brought to the attention of Canson SAS employees or collaborators, its sales network and Canson SAS. Such parties are formally appointed and authorized to process and receive opportune operational instructions in this regard. Furthermore, the data may be processed by external companies which Canson SAS may make use of in relation to the management of the contractual relationship with customers or for its own organizational needs and its activities. The data is, in any case, not subject to general disclosure.


Rights of the Data Subject

The Data Subject, to whom personal data refers, may exercise his/her rights in relation to the Data Controller at any time in accordance with EU Regulation 679/2016. Thus, the Data Subject has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him/her and its communication in intelligible form. The Data Subject also has the right to obtain indications on the origin of the data, the purposes of processing, processing methods, the Data Controller and its Representative and the parties to whom the data may be communicated. The Data Subject has the right to have the data corrected, supplemented and updated, as well as deleted or transformed into an anonymous form. The Data Subject may request the cessation at any time of processing activities related to direct marketing, commercial communications and market research.




This website uses cookies in order to deliver a better browsing experience and to collect information on the use of the site by visitors.

Cookies are short text strings exchanged between servers and web clients. They are used to perform automatic authentication, session tracking and the storage of specific information about the users/visitors accessing the server. This website uses cookies for the following purposes:




Technical cookies not requiring consent for their use

Certain operations cannot be performed without the use of cookies, which in such cases are thus technically necessary. Technically necessary cookies, by way of example, include the cookie that recognizes the web session and keeps it active for the user visiting the website and the cookie that allows recognition of a specific user following log in.

Canson SAS uses such cookies to optimize users’ browsing experience. This technology does not, in any case, allow device storage of user data, credentials or other information in order to maintain website security levels.


Third-party cookies requiring consent

Third-party cookies include those that allow the Data Controller to monitor and analyze traffic data and to track user behaviour:

Google Analytics (Google) : These analyze traffic data and serve to keep track of user behaviour. Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google uses collected personal data for the purposes of tracking and analyzing use of this application, compiling reports and sharing them with other services developed by Google.

Google may use the personal data to contextualize and personalize adverts that form part of its advertising network. Personal data collected: Cookies and Usage Data.

Place of processing: USA - Privacy Policy - Opt Out

Facebook Pixel Tracker (Facebook) uses a tracker to receive the following type of data: 
Http Headers – Anything present in HTTP headers. HTTP Headers are a standard web protocol sent between any browser request and any server on the internet. HTTP Headers include IP addresses, information about the web browser, page location, document, referrer and person using the website.
Pixel-specific Data – Includes Pixel ID and the Facebook Cookie.
Button Click Data – Includes any buttons clicked by site visitors, the labels of those buttons and any pages visited as a result of the button clicks.
Optional Values – Developers and marketers can optionally choose to send additional information about the visit through conversion tracking. Example custom data events are conversion value, page type, and more.

Management of cookies in browser settings

This website works best if cookies are enabled. You can, in any case, decide not to allow cookies to be set on your computer.

For more information on how to change cookie settings, select the browser you are using:





If you disable cookies completely, you may also disable certain working features of the website.

Even with all cookies disabled, the browser you are using will continue to store a small amount of information necessary for the basic functionality of the website.





Informative notice on the processing of personal data

This informative notice is provided pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 679/2016.

The Canson  newsletter is sent via email to those who explicitly request it by filling out the form on this page and consequently authorizing Canson SAS  to process their personal data.

The provision of personal data is optional. However, refusal to provide such personal data makes it impossible to provide the newsletter service.

Purpose of the processing of the personal data

The personal data provided by users is used exclusively to send the newsletter and shall not be disclosed to other third parties.

Processing methods

The collected data is processed using computer tools. Opportune security measures are implemented in order to prevent data loss, illicit or improper use and unauthorized access.

Data Controller

The Data Controller is Canson SAS with registered office at N°67 rue Louis et Laurent Seguin - CS 70139 - 07104 Annonay Cedex – France. It is noted that the newsletter service also makes use of the services of specially appointed third-party companies.

Rights of the Data Subject

The Data Subject, to whom personal data refers, may exercise, at any time, his/her rights to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him/her, as well as to obtain indications of its content and origin, to verify its accuracy and to request the data be corrected, supplemented or updated. The Data Subject also has the right to request the data’s cancellation or transformation into an anonymous form or the blocking of its processing in violation of the law, as well as to oppose its processing, in any case, for legitimate reasons.



Pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 679/2016


Dear Customer/Supplier,

Pursuant to and for the purposes of Articles 13 and 14 of the EU Regulation on the Processing of Personal Data, notice is hereby given to customers and suppliers that as the Data Controller of their personal data,

Canson SAS

N°67 rue Louis et Laurent Seguin - CS 70139

07104 Annonay Cedex – France

holds and processes personal data that is protected by the aforementioned Regulation.

Please note that, according to the indicated Regulation, such processing shall be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and the protection of your privacy and your rights.

In compliance with Articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 679/2016, we therefore provide you with the following information.

The data you provide shall be processed for the following purposes:

  • To fulfil obligations established by law and/or European Community legislation;
  • To facilitate the administrative/accounting management of the company;
  • To facilitate the management of activities relating to the purchase of goods and services for business purposes.
  • To facilitate the sale/hire/invoicing of products and/or the provision of services through direct contact with the customer or via the internet.
  • To fulfil obligations arising from agreements between the parties.
  • To manage any complaints or disputes.
  • To send informative material or commercial proposals, by post, fax or email.
  • To facilitate participation in promotional initiatives administered by Canson SAS such as competitions, educational initiatives, events, etc.

The processing has a legal basis related primarily to the fulfilment of the contract between the parties, to compliance with the law and to the satisfaction of a request by the Data Subject concerned.

The processing may be carried out with manual, computer-aided and telematic methods in compliance with the principles of confidentiality and security required by law.

The provision of data is mandatory for the purposes of initiating and managing contracts, and is necessary in order to satisfy any requests of the interested party (e.g. of a technical or commercial nature). Refusal to provide such data may result in failed or partial performance of the contract, and/or failure to continue the contractual relationship.

The data may be communicated, in order to execute the contract and perform related administrative activities, to specially appointed collaborators and employees. The data may also be disclosed to third parties as part of the fulfilment of obligations established by law or by the existing contract between the parties (e.g. public entities, supervisory authorities, banking institutions, etc.). The data may also be communicated to associate and/or subsidiary companies, even outside of the European Union, always within the scope of the supply and/or existing contract. The data shall in no way be disclosed to third parties without your prior and specific consent. The personal data shall be kept for the time deemed useful for the execution of the requested service or for the management of administrative, fiscal, accounting and regulatory activities.

The Data Controller is: Canson SAS - N°67 rue Louis et Laurent Seguin – CS 70139 - 07104 Annonay Cedex – France. The Data Controller and any appointed managers may be contacted by writing to

You may exercise your rights in relation to the Data Controller at any time pursuant to Articles 15 to 20 of EU Regulation 679/2016. The Data Subject, to whom personal data refers, has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him/her and its communication in an intelligible form. The Data Subject also has the right to obtain indications on the origin of the data, the purposes of processing, processing methods, the Data Controller and its Representative and the parties to whom the data may be communicated. The Data Subject has the right to have the data corrected, supplemented and updated, as well as deleted or transformed into an anonymous form. The Data Subject may request the cessation at any time of processing activities related to direct marketing, commercial communications and market research.